Sunday, November 11, 2007


Well after an AWESOME weekend of drinking and watching my bulldogs kick the shit out of auburn, we're back to the usual poker stuff. Satellited into the $322 ftops today for $26 and have 18k in chips w/ avg of like 6k....only to not get a legitimate hand except ak(which ran into AA) for the last 2 hours. And of course i bubble (620th and 585 get paid) when my JJ ran into A10. I am still in the 27.50 on stars but dont have a great stack and we're getting around the bubble. Anyway, forgot to mention that when I sattied into the FTOPS i sold half of myself to a friend for $150 so I did at least see a little profit today. Slowly but surely building a miniroll. Called in sick to work tomorrow cuz I feel like shit(could have something to do w/ being beligerently drunk for 48 straight hours). I probably won't play a whole lot this week. I'll do all the tourneys on Thursday but I have to get some rest this week and can't stay up until 1am every day to try and make $19 bucks and stuff.

Updated Roll:

Stars: $974.41
FTP: $794.65

In the money of the 27.50 now so will update tomorrow if by some fluke accident i go deep.

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