Friday, November 9, 2007

Same old shit....

Updated rolls after like 8 hours of tourneys:

Stars: $1036.05
FTP: $681.65

The only reason I didnt have a terrible night is because I staked a buddy of mine and he cashed in the 25k guaranteed for like $250. I went deep in one of the daily doubles only of course to become sooooooo fucking card dead and eventually blind out and lose a race to go out in 17th. I feel like this is at least the 20th time in a row that this exact scenario has happened as soon as I start to smell a final table. It's so frustrating. I feel like the biggest leak in my game has been lack of aggression late but tonight i remained aggressive and had a few nice resteals but one it got down to decent money i get a fucking 2 every hand and when i finally pick up a decent stealing hand there r 3 raises before it gets to me. Then I pick up QQ or AK in BB and obv it folds around. I busted out of 8 tourneys today and I swear to god on 5 of them i shoved into AA or KK to get busted. I run so fucking good. Thats all for today.

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