Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ups and Downs

The weekend was a good one for me. Was stuck Saturday around 600 or so playing 2/4NL and managed to get most of it back tho. Sunday, decided not to play any tourneys and was gonna put in a mini 2/4 session while me and my gf were watching tv. Well the mini session turned into a mini heater and I made almost 2k in around 2 hours. Decided to play the second chance on stars after that with no luck but oh well, still a great day to get me off to a good start on my stake.

So that session gave me a little confidence in my cash game and I a no doubt about to just get on a sick heater. Wrong. Last night I get off work and instantly lose 3 buyins in an hour and a half to give back almost all my profit from Sunday. I was proud of myself that I stayed cool and never tilted(which has been my problem in the past with cash games) and I quit when I did start feeling a little steamy. That steam was from the last hand I played....I raise AsKs on button to 14.....SB(aggro who had 3 bet me a lot) 3 bets me to 48. I had been waiting on a spot to 4 bet him and this seemed perfect. I make it 156 to go and he flats me. Flop 2s3s4h. Decent flop for me. If he has JJ or QQ I'm not in bad shape with my overs, flush draw, and str8 draw. He checks me to and I think how I wanna play it. I feel I'm in great shape so I considered throwing out like 100 to make him think he had some fold equity but decided against it and just jammed my 250 into a pot of a little over 300. Well he snap called and the turn and the river blanked out. FUCK. He turns over his winner.....SIXES!!!! So sick, I couldnt decide whether to label this guy a complete donk or a fucking genius??? Anyway, I instantly stood up from my tables at my stop-loss of 3 buyins and watched the natl championship game. SEC SEC SEC SEC!!!

Gonna put in another session of 2/4 tonight when I get back to the hotel. Yes, I'm still in Spartanburg, SC. And possibly hit the 7:00 tourneys if I have made a little money by then. Will update if I do really well or really bad.

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